Saturday, April 27, 2013

CLERMONT 5K and 10K SKATE Distance Push Race

So i decided to join a push race in Clermont, Florida presented by The Ian Tilmann Foundation. It was a fun Race, but challenging cause of the hills. I skated over 15 miles for sure in this event.

10K Race Brice Barrera 14:35.1  

Check out the video by FreeRide Skate Shop

Sunday, April 7, 2013

CaliFlorida Longboarda Cruza Palooza 2013

Ever since i did the Iron Pineapple Push racing in February, Push racing has caught my attention once again. I guess the fact that I'm getting older and want to stay fit is the reason why. Another reason why is because i notices the more i do it the better i get. I been lasting longer and pushing faster. It is still a working process. I need to work out at least 5 days a week and eat better if i want to push further. It is the reason why i been joining more push races this year. Longboarda Cruza Palooza 2013 was hosted by CaliFlorida. This race is getting bigger every year. This is a fun event especially if you have a family. Three races to choose from 12.5 miles for all-ages, 4.4 miles for all-ages, and 2.6 miles for 8 years old and under. Their was cash prizes and goodies for the winners. Their was also a lot of give away for everyone else and food for everyone. Did i mention that this race is located 2 minutes from the beach and is surrounded by restaurants and bars? it is pretty much a small paradise for longboarders who love to race, drink, and swim. Here are pictures from this year push race.

Filmed and Edited by Me

Photos by  

The starting line 
 Blake, Owner of CaliFlorida

Dont try this out home kids always wear a helmet

 2.2 Push race for the 8 years old and younger.