Wednesday, December 23, 2009

How I Came Across The Tampa Longboarding Society.

After Clermont and i needed to find a group i can skate with, so that i can learn from others. I was looking around the forums and noticed a group of skaters in Tampa. I joined in one of there sessions with April. My first garage with them was The Mammoth an pretty awesome garage. We didn't skate long cause we got kicked out. Then went to another location known as Chuba. They are a pretty awesome group now known as Tampa Longboarding Society. Kyle the man who started it is a cool guy, so is everyone else. I still skate with them and it is worth the 160 mile round trip to hang with them. We all learned a lot from each other. These guys love longboarding and they always have daily and weekly sessions.   

Here is a video of The Mammoth i filmed (Raw)

Saturday, December 19, 2009

My First Push Race

On Dec 19, 2009 I joined my first Push Race called the South Beach Bomb hosted by The Miami Longboarding Crew. It was a good 4 - 6 miles of push along South Beach streets. I was the only one riding a Bustin - Strike longboard that day. We started at 1st street all the way to 23rd street on Washington ave. That where the check point was at. We had to get a Sticker and slap it on our board and skate back to 1st Street. I had a good time. April and Irmy joined me as well, so that made the fun twice as much. 

Photos by Drexed

                        Video of the event South Beach Bomb 2009

Another Video, but this one is a Teaser

Sunday, December 13, 2009

My First 30+ MPH Hill

When i got back from NY i started getting into the scene, so i looked around the internet and found I noticed there was a DH scene in Florida and i picked one a bit too advance for me at the time. I manage to get out there on Dec 2009 on one of their sessions. I came unprepared and didn't know much too. All i came armed with was a helmet and at that time i wasn't one to wear one, but i knew i was going to need it. I noticed people wearing gloves, so i borrowed April wrist protectors and some extra pair of gloves. let just say i need more than that cause by the end of that day i fell 3 times first time scraped my elbows and knee on the first run on the hill know as Grassy lake in Clermont, FL a hill that can easily take you 35mph. Second time i was avoiding getting hit by a car and i messed up on a slide and fell going at lease 25 mph messed up my wrist for 3 months. Then the third time was the final blow. I started behind everyone there was about 8 people i believe and i was going so fast that by the time i reach the bottom i was between first and second guys that start off. At the bottom of the hill there was a right turn i was going too fast and i went between two people i tried to slow down with my gloves, but it torn them apart and i ran one of the guys out off the road. When i got up i was dizzy my wrist was in pain cause of the previous fall and i burned my hand laying it down on the asphalt. It ripped my glove apart. On top of that i had a nasty big road rash on my right arm. I knew i had enough and i had to go. That was my first lesson in DH. If you are new go with the right equipment and go when you are 100 percent ready. I learned the hard way.

The link provided leads to my facebook account were i have the video when i first went to Clermont. 

Here another video, but this one from a cell phone.